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He got out of bed to plug it into his charger.He was dressed like a prison guard, even wearing a gun on his hip.“Even better!After eating a taco I called my friend to apologize but I could tell she was still hurt by what I said.Rolling my eyes, I pulled up Carson’s number and began to text him.Her mouth so soft and warm...Dakota dialed up the hospital and XXX Tube double checked on Jill's pending release, they told her that Jill was ready to go she just needed to be picked up.I watched as she stroked herself to another orgasm and then pulled up her pants and quickly left, now I feared she might see my car but as I peeked out, I saw her driving away.When we arrived at the hotel, we saw Marcus and Ronda kissing while waiting at the cab stand.I then went upstairs to take a quick shower, I didn't bother putting on any panties.I was so hot for my twenty-year-old friend.I stood her up and the three of us formed a group hug, kissing each other as our bodies pulled tighter together.Use me like the